How much does medical assistance cost in the US?
Government and insurers advise policies with sufficient coverage to pay for hospitalization and repatriation in case of medical accident or holiday sickness
The United States is the destination chosen by 1 in 6 Spanish travelers who take out travel insurance abroad. Something more than 12% (12.2%) of the contracts for this type of coverage are signed for destinations within Europe (United Kingdom, France, Italy or Germany). This is indicated by the statistics of the Mapfre insurance company. These indicate that trips through the interior of Spain concentrate 7% of the total insurance contracted, especially during the summer.
He reports the Mapfre report, for example, the cost of emergency assistance in a country like the United States. This attention can involve a disbursement close to 1,000 euros. In case of basic hospitalization, depending on the severity, the bill can easily amount to 1,100 euros. Unespa adds that the United States is perhaps the country where healthcare or rescue can have higher costs, even reaching figures that exceed 70,000 euros.
The United States is the destination chosen by 1 in 6 Spanish travelers who take out travel insurance abroad. Something more than 12% (12.2%) of the contracts for this type of coverage are signed for destinations within Europe (United Kingdom, France, Italy or Germany). This is indicated by the statistics of the Mapfre insurance company. These indicate that trips through the interior of Spain concentrate 7% of the total insurance contracted, especially during the summer.
Сost of emergency assistance
He reports the Mapfre report, for example, the cost of emergency assistance in a country like the United States. This attention can involve a disbursement close to 1,000 euros. In case of basic hospitalization, depending on the severity, the bill can easily amount to 1,100 euros. Unespa adds that the United States is perhaps the country where healthcare or rescue can have higher costs, even reaching figures that exceed 70,000 euros.
According to the Statista portal, during 2017 the total number of Spanish trips to national and international destinations exceeded 190 million. After a slight fall in 2014 – with a record of minimums of just over 151 million trips – since then the volume of displacements has not stopped growing. Almost 9 out of 10 people decide to spend their summer vacations abroad, according to data from the National Statistics Institute (INE) collected by the comparator are sure iSalud.com.
Travel insurance
Regarding the reasons why travel insurance is used, the Mapfre study highlights that almost 6 out of 10 people do so because of a health-related problem, a situation that in the case of not having insurance can mean a high cost in certain destinations. The second most used cause is cancellations of the contracted trip, which accounts for almost 20% of the use of the policy.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recalls the importance of keeping in mind how expensive medical assistance can be abroad. Therefore, it is recommended to be certain that the limits of our policy are sufficient, especially when traveling to destinations such as the United States, Japan, Canada, Colombia, Venezuela, China etc … When traveling to developing countries, the Ministry advises – before the deficiency of the sanitary infrastructures – to sign repatriation policies to return in conditions to Spain.
The insurance business association, Unespa, reports that almost 1 in 10 accidents suffered by insured travelers is serious or extreme. Half of these travel incidents are related to indispositions and diseases during displacement. Accidents account for another quarter of the notices claiming healthcare.
The top ten of countries with extreme health benefits in the case of health care, according to data from Somos Seguros, are formed by the United States (72,116 euros), Turkey (62,486 euros), Cameroon (45,718 euros), Mexico (28,666 euros), China (27,851 euros), Bolivia (23,673 euros), Morocco (23,471 euros), Fiji (23,376 euros), Russia (22,785 euros) and Colombia (22,708 euros).